Scream Screen, 107.7 The Bronc’s award-winning drive-in movie experience, will be striking fear in the hearts of the Rider community on Friday, October 18* from 6 to 11 p.m., in the BLC Visitors lot.
To ensure everyone has a fun night, here is a list of safety guidelines to best enjoy Scream Screen:
- Any and all vehicles parked in the Scream Screen viewing area will be required to move their cars and trucks by 12 p.m. on Friday, October 18 or your vehicle will be towed.
- All vehicles will enter Scream Screen through the South Entrance located off of Alumni Drive near the old guard house. 107.7 The Bronc flags will mark the entrance location.
- Driver’s can line-up along Alumni Drive to enter Scream Screen beginning at 5:30 p.m.
- Gates will open at 6 p.m. and all vehicles must be parked in the BLC Visitors lot by 8 p.m.
- Vehicle access to the BLC Visitors lot will be managed by 107.7 The Bronc staff and Public Safety. Please follow their instructions to enter Scream Screen via Alumni Drive.
- To accommodate the expected large crowds and to ensure as many people as possible can enjoy the drive-in movie experience, please try to maintain four people or more per car. Two-seat vehicles will be accepted.
- Once inside the gated lot, please drive slowly and watch for pedestrians. The speed limit for all vehicles is 5 mph.
- Trucks, SUV’s and vans will be permitted to park on the side of the main viewing area for better sight lines and to accommodate sedans and other smaller vehicles.
- For safety reasons, once your vehicle is parked in the gated lot, your vehicle can not be moved and is not permitted to leave the designated parking area until authorized to do so at the end of the event at approximately 10:30 p.m.
- Parking for Scream Screen is first-come, first-serve, so please arrive early.
- Drivers may place their vehicle in idle to keep warm while watching Scream Screen, but can not place the vehicle in motion at any time during the event.
- Occupants may leave their vehicles, but your vehicle must be moved out of the BLC Faculty/Staff lot by 11 p.m.
- Vehicles exiting the BLC Visitors lot will also be managed by the 107.7 The Bronc staff and Public Safety.
- Scream Screen is a non-alcoholic event. Alcohol is not permitted in vehicles, in the pedestrian viewing area or at one of our many trunk-or-treat stations, food vendors and games. All NJ DUI laws apply.
- All friends and family of Rider students/staff are welcome to attend Scream Screen.
- To listen to the movie in your vehicles, tune your radio to 88.9 FM.
Return to Scream Screen main page.
Scream Screen is presented by Rider Dining Services, Rider University Greek Council, the Student Government Association, Student Entertainment Council and The Tanning Zone in Hamilton and Bordentown.